Video Monitoring provides an added layer of security and is an ideal companion to Alarm Monitoring. Apart from providing recorded footage of any events of interest, Video Monitoring is the best way to verify intrusion, smoke, or fire, quickly and effectively. Furthermore, with the advances in Video Analytics (video software engines in video cameras or on the server), modern video cameras can be used to detect, deter and delay a persistent intruder. Not only can a camera act as a detection sensor and raise an alarm, it can also for example trigger security lights to come on, play an audio warning message and alert the monitoring centre to immediately verify an incident and respond appropriately to it.
Video Monitoring and Alarm Monitoring are recommended for businesses and organisations, especially those with warehouses, high value assets, moving inventory, extensive areas (building and/or land), after hours operation, and any concerns regarding staff security and safety.
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Why video monitoring is effective and efficient
When an alarm system goes off, traditional security services can either use onsite security staff, send out a patrol security guard or send an alert to the owner and authorities. While these are reasonable steps, they each have a flaw. Full-time security guards are very expensive. Security patrol cars sent from monitoring centres are effective only if they are close to your premises at the time of the event. They too can end up being expensive if patrols are sent out periodically and if false alarms occur. Responses from Police vary depending on their workload and priority at the time. A car crash for example will take priority over a break in. Lastly, having an untrained civilian (the business owner or facility manager) inspect the premises at night when a break in or fire is suspected can be very dangerous. Using a camera system, events can be detected and verified in seconds. In the long term, this is a very cost-effective and efficient way to safeguard your premises.
Security Tip: Invest a little more in a camera with video analytics. Video analytics turn a recording and surveillance device into an alarm detector inside and outside your premises, a virtual security guard with programmed detection and alert action rules, a tool to improve safety and security of your personnel, as well as a source of actionable data for business operations and marketing, for example, automated counting of cars, trucks, bikes or people coming in and out of the premises.
VideoGuard services offered by Security & Data Systems
We offer the following VIDEOGUARD monitoring services:
Live Video Monitoring – 24/7 live monitoring for critical security applications.
Scheduled Video Monitoring – scheduled video tours of entire premises and perimeter.
Event Driven Video Monitoring – detection, verification and live intervention, in response to a detected event.
Video Escort – we can “escort” your staff by following them on cameras while on the phone with them. This can be useful at expansive premises and after hours. An example would be a virtual escort from the office to the car park and then to the end of the driveway.
Each of the above listed video monitoring services can be highly customized to suit your requirements. We also install professional quality video security cameras and networks.
For expert advice in Video Monitoring and Video Security Installation please call us 24/7 on 1300 760 796, complete the FREE SECURITY ASSESSMENT form.